Rivers of Living Water flowing from the

Rock of our Salvation

Resting in the Finished Work of Christ on The Cross

Teaching His Word with Holy Spirit Fire

After Salvation through The Gospel, the next step is Discipleship.

Disciple simply means student. As one becomes a born again believer in Christ, it is a natural next step to want to learn more about Jesus, God The Father, and His Holy Spirit.

If there is no remorse for past sin, no desire to learn or spend time with Christ through His Word and no desire for Fellowship with other believers, then, it is not necessarily for us to say; however, there would be question marks on the supposed Salvation that took place. Perhaps it was simply an emotional moment that was had? Perhaps something else is blocking you? If your spiritual state is stagnant and there is no discipleship going on, we would suggest that one goes back to the beginning and examine the simple Gospel message and do some introspection on that first.

Once one is truly ready for Discipleship, our primary form of that would be Bible Study. We expect that if one wants to know God’s Word better, then that same person is sanctifying their lives to Him more and more and allowing Him to cleanse them of the world, bad habits, past sin, etc. We do NOT want anyone who simply wants head knowledge about Scripture and memorized Doctrines who continues to live a compromised life and is not growing in personal sanctification.

Sanctification is a process of learning that God wants you to be set apart and cleansed from worldliness so you can more fully experience His Holy Spirit in your life and then embarking on that journey of sanctification through Bible Study, devotional time with The Lord, Fellowship, Praise, Worship, Prayer, etc. This is not works based Salvation, it is the natural response of gratitude and relationship which should manifest after a true Salvation has occurred.

For some, who’ve been deep in the enemy’s clutches with transgressions, addictions, and extreme depravities, there may need to be Deliverance to have any hope of achieving Sanctification. If you are stuck in the rut of addiction and bondage to various serious transgressions, THERE IS HOPE! And it doesn’t mean you aren’t saved if you’ve confessed with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believed in your heart God raised Him from the dead!

I lead a Freedom Ministry at Vista Hills Church https://vistahillschurch.org/pages/freedom-ministry every Wednesday evening for people in El Paso, but if you are struggling and need personal attention, please email me and I will try to help you over the phone, through email, or, if possible, put you in contact with someone in your area who can help you with Deliverance so you can truly begin your Sanctification process. [email protected] or [email protected]

In the picture to the left is the Recovery in The Spirit manual we use as one of our Freedom Ministry resources in my right hand as well as one of the most powerful instruments in my left hand that we use to help people be set free from former resentments, addictions, and bondages. If you truly want to be set free from the enslavement of addiction, you ABSOLUTELY CAN BE in Jesus Name!

Call 915.595.3322 (voice only)
[email protected]