Take a look at how The Book of Isaiah, acts as an outline for the Structure of the Bible itself and how it authenticates the 66 Canonical Books through their built-in connection to the Book of Isaiah’s 66 Chapters
Investigate the Perfect Structure of The Bible by going through our Metacosm series to see how the Bible Book Order outlines a believer’s life through the thematic relationship to each Book of the Bible in three congruent iterative patterns.
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See how the first two Chapters of Genesis outline all of human history in advance with the 6 days of Creation and 7th day of rest mirror the 6 Millennia of human history and the impending 7th Millennial Reign of Christ. Also enjoy a Verse by Verse in-depth commentary on Genesis Chapters 1 and 2.
See how Isaiah: A Biblical Microcosm and Metacosm: A Study of the Bible Book Order integrate into a comprehensive and unified whole in this capstone book to this 22 year long deep study of the Order and Structure of The Bible. This study takes the concepts from its predecessors and builds upon them to find a deep correlation and correspondence between each Verse in each Isaiah Chapter with its correlating Bible Book as well as the Book by Book thematic progression of a believer’s life as detailed through the Bible Book Order.